Prosecutors: Man arrested for Dortmund bombing was looking to profit off explosion

Prosecutors: Man arrested for Dortmund bombing was looking to profit off explosion

Published Apr. 21, 2017 8:30 a.m. ET

A 28-year-old man identified only as Sergej W has been arrested for the bombing of the Borussia Dortmund team bus earlier this month, with prosecutors saying that the motive was profit and not radical Islam, as was first believed.

In a statement issued on Friday, prosecutors say that the man, who has both Russian and German nationality, had bought thousands of "put options" -- bets that a stock would fall -- on the club, guessing that its stock would fall precipitously after the explosion. He allegedly stood to make a large profit before his arrest.

From the BBC:

He was staying at the team's L'Arrivée hotel in Dortmund on the day of the attack and had moved to a room on the top floor, overlooking the street where it took place, prosecutors say.

The suspect placed the bet on 11 April using an IP address traced to the hotel, after taking out a loan for the money.
