WWE NXT UK: May 20, 2021

Published May. 20, 2021 11:04 a.m. ET

Tyler Bate knocked off A-Kid in a thriller to become the new NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion, Rampage Brown was victorious in a highly physical bout with Wolfgang and more.

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WWE NXT UK results: May 20, 2021

Rampage Brown def. Wolfgang


Rampage Brown just can’t seem to steer clear of the Gallus boys.

After narrowly outlasting Joe Coffey in a wild brawl three months ago, Brown crossed paths with Wolfgang in the backstage area. Within minutes, the two maulers had agreed to a match, and a slugfest that wasn’t for the faint of heart was the result.

When the fight spilled to ringside, Wolfgang landed the first big blow by hoisting Brown onto his shoulders and driving him side-first into the ring post.

Brown, who came within an eyelash of taking the NXT UK Championship from WALTER last month, battled through his badly aching ribs to clobber Wolfgang with a lariat and finally put him away with a ring-rattling Doctor Bomb.

Amale def. Xia Brookside

Would Xia Brookside have won last week’s No. 1 Contender’s Gauntlet Match had she been cleared to compete? We’ll never know for sure, and it’s all thanks to Amale, who savagely attacked Brookside in the backstage area prior to last week’s high-stakes bout.

Amale, who was hoping to take Brookside’s place in the competition, was instead “rewarded” with a match against the payback-minded Brookside, who immediately got the upper hand with a series of kicks and a monkey flip.

Amale, however, kicked out of a picture-perfect neckbreaker from Brookside and soon claimed the victory by slamming her foe with a spinebuster slam.

Noam Dar attempted to antagonize Ilja Dragunov on “Supernova Sessions”

Noam Dar appeared to feign concern for Ilja Dragunov and his recent mental state at the top of the latest “Supernova Sessions,” particularly when he played serene music and mockingly asked Dragunov what was troubling him.

The Scottish Supernova inquired as to where Dragunov’s inner demons come from, and when he finally gave his guest a moment talk, Dragunov admitted to feeling immense pain in the aftermath of his loss to WALTER in an NXT UK Championship Match.

Dar presented him with a stuffed animal, “Lenny The Therapy Dog,” and Dragunov reminded the host that he can hurt him badly any time he felt like it. Dar called Dragunov a “fake,” and the talk show concluded with an intense staredown.

Tyler Bate def. A-Kid to win NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship, 1-0

Having each defeated the other once in previous Heritage Cup Rules Championship Matches, Tyler Bate and A-Kid collided in the rubber match of all rubber matches for the prestigious trophy.

The two competitors engaged in a feeling out process throughout the first two rounds, which were evenly matched but scoreless.

During a Round 3 that saw the pace quicken considerably, A-Kid tattooed Bate with a right hand for a near-fall, but Bate answered with a right forearm that sent A-Kid plummeting to ringside.

A-Kid nearly broke through with the first decision in Round 4, withstanding Bate’s airplane spin to trap The Big Strong Boi in a sleeper hold and later a guillotine. Bate dug deep, however, suplexing his opponent to break free just as time expired.

A-Kid miraculously kicked out of the Tyler Driver ’97 in Round 5, and Bate somehow resisted the urge to tap out to an excruciating arm before being saved by the clock. During the rest period, Bate made Trent Seven promise not to throw in the towel under any circumstances.

Though A-Kid blasted his foe with a superkick to the jaw, Bate somehow had the wherewithal to reverse a A-Kid’s pinning combination into one of his own to capture the NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship!

After the bout, A-Kid presented his friend with his newly won trophy.

Bate to challenge A-Kid, Wolfgang to brawl with Brown on NXT UK

An action-packed episode of NXT UK is set to be highlighted by Tyler Bate challenging A-Kid for the Heritage Cup Title in a Heritage Cup Rules Match, as well as a bona fide hoss fight between Wolfgang and Rampage Brown.

A mentor of A-Kid, Bate is 1-1 against his former pupil, having defeated him in January 2020 in a singles battle before falling to the Spanish Superstar in December’s Heritage Cup Rules Match and failing to take A-Kid’s championship.

A-Kid has been silencing his doubters during an impressive title reign, having amassed a 5-0 record in Heritage Cup Rules Matches and beaten the likes of Bate, Trent Seven and Noam Dar.

Textbook Tyler has been embracing a new Zen mindset in recent months, but he’ll undoubtedly need to bring the intensity if he is to finally deal A-Kid a loss in a Heritage Cup Rules Match.

Brown, who seems to enjoy mixing it up with the Gallus boys as evidenced by his narrow victory over Joe Coffey in February’s slugfest, recently crossed paths with Wolfgang and Mark Coffey in the backstage area and quickly agreed to a future encounter with The Last King of Scotland.

Will Wolfgang get Gallus back in the win column, or can Brown move to 2-0 against the menacing faction?

Additionally, a week after Amale viciously attacked Xia Brookside in the backstage area, the two Superstars are set for what should be a heated singles clash. And Ilja Dragunov will join Noam Dar for what seems certain to be a volatile episode of “Supernova Sessions.”

Don’t miss a must-see episode of NXT UK, streaming Thursday at 3 ET/8 BST on Peacock in the United States and on WWE Network everywhere else!
