Michigan State football takes a blatant cheap shot at Michigan

Michigan State football takes a blatant cheap shot at Michigan

Published Nov. 15, 2016 3:46 p.m. ET

It’s one of the sports world’s great rallying cries: “Those who stay will be champions!”

For those who aren’t familiar, here’s a brief explanation: It was first uttered by the great Bo Schembechler back when he arrived at the University of Michigan prior to the start of the 1969 season. At the time, he explained that the road would be tough and that he would put the players through more than they have ever been through before. But those who stayed would in fact be champions.

Safe to say, Schembechler stuck to his word. Not only did the Wolverines win the Big Ten title the following year, but every player who played for four years under Bo won at least one Big Ten crown in their careers.


But while Schembechler’s words have remained iconic through the years, one of Michigan’s biggest rivals decided to use them against the Wolverines earlier this week.

That’s because on Thursday, Michigan State recruiting director Curtis Blackwell released a snazzy little recruiting graphic that, at first glance, doesn’t appear to mean much. That is, until you read the fine print.

It reads:

It then adds this subheading:

Wowzahs!!!!! Talk about a low blow. Especially when you consider that the team that Michigan State stole it from, Michigan, hasn’t won a conference title since 2004 and an outright title since 2003.

Hmm, you think Jim Harbaugh will have something to say about this?
