PHOTO: Harbaugh takes in new Star Wars, misses Darth Vader

PHOTO: Harbaugh takes in new Star Wars, misses Darth Vader

Published Dec. 18, 2015 6:18 p.m. ET

Jim Harbaugh is a unique guy. But when it comes to Star Wars, the Michigan coach is just like everybody else, it seems.

Harbaugh took his sons Jay (a Michigan assistant coach) and James to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens as part of its nationwide opening Thursday night, snapping the following selfie before the show:

We know what you're thinking: "Wait, Jim Harbaugh is a Darth Vader fan?"


But don't worry; he hasn't gone to the dark side. Darth Vader is, of course, voiced by legendary actor James Earl Jones, a fellow Michigan alum who narrated the football team's in-stadium pregame video this season. And Harbaugh, who was 14 when Star Wars was first released in 1977, is definitely a fan of the "real" Darth Vader:

No word yet on whether Harbaugh enjoyed the film despite its lack of Jones' voice work.
