Rougned Odor
Rougned Odor
Jason Kipnis cracks up Rangers by backing away from Rougned Odor after collision
Nov. 15, 2016 3:03 p.m. ET
Brett Smiley
During the fifth inning of the Texas Rangers-Cleveland Indians game on Thursday, Rougned Odor slid into second base and in the process, toppled Jason Kipnis who was attempting to throw to first base for a double play. Odor's slide was pretty standard, certainly nothing close to the Jose Bautista takeout that sparked Odor's baseball punch heard round the world, but Kipnis and the American League remember. Check out the rest in the video. Adrian Beltre and the Rangers loved Kipnis' gag and there aren't many things better on the diamond than Adrian Beltre cracking up.
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