Justin Verlander
Justin Verlander is absolutely incensed by the latest PED violation
Justin Verlander

Justin Verlander is absolutely incensed by the latest PED violation

Published Apr. 29, 2016 7:27 a.m. ET

Just how long Miami Marlins second baseman Dee Gordon and Major League Baseball have known about the reigning NL batting champion's positive test for PEDs is not yet publicly known.

But the fact that Gordon has been allowed to play at all during his appeal has set off Detroit Tigers starting pitcher Justin Verlander:


According to Yahoo! Sports' Tim Brown, Gordon's 80-game suspension and announcement thereof was triggered on Thursday night only because Gordon dropped his appeal.

How many games, if any, did Gordon play while reaping "benefits" of the exogenous Testosterone and Clostebol that were found in his system? One would be enough for Verlander, who has previously voiced his anger with the Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program ("Policy"), which allows players to continue playing during an appeal (subject to limitation).


The pertinent language of the Policy from section (8)(c)(3):

The problem for Verlander is that the MLB Players Assocation, a union that represents him (if not his interests), agreed to the Policy and doesn't want its players immediately stripped of their uniforms and paychecks.

Another player recently suspended 80 games for PEDs, Blue Jays first baseman Chris Colabello, had his suspension announced on April 22. He revealed in a statement that he learned of the positive test on March 13:

Verlander has previously railed against the Policy and suspected dirty players:

He may have won in the court of public opinion, but if Verlander wants to actually see the rules changed -- and guys pulled off rosters immediately -- he's got to take it up with MLBPA Executive Director Tony Clark.



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