Dennis Rodman starred in bizarre ad

It's no secret that Dennis Rodman has been using his new, strange bond with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to return to the spotlight, but this recent stunt came out of left field.
Seriously, man? The green hair ... that's expected. The nail polish? Naturally you. But a pistachios commercial with a look-alike of the North Korean leader?
It's funny, but very weird.
Just a couple weeks after Rodman bragged about being the first foreigner to hold Jong-un's newborn daughter and announced that he would be returning there to set up a couple exhibition games with local players and former NBA ballers, he appeared in this:
After watching it, I'm actually glad Rodman decided to poke fun at the situation. Here's what the Twitter world had to say:
Do you think if Dennis Rodman was kidnapped by Kim Jung Un and held hostage the US would save him? #MeNeither #Pistachios
— Lauren Alexandra (@Lauren_Alexa87) September 21, 2013
Wonderful Pistachios has been known to have quirky commercials with buzzing pop culture characters like PSY and Snoop Lion. After Rodman, it's safe to say they have officially declared a no filter styled approach to selling their nuts.
Maybe this will help make light of the rebound king's friendship with the North Korean leader. Realistically ... the pistachios probably won't do the trick, but it's a start. So lighten up, America.
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