Sacramento Kings legend Vlade Divac will help you outsmart traffic

Have you ever been stuck in traffic and wanted to have the voice of a "legendary NBA player" guide you through your commute?
Well, your prayers have been answered.
Waze, the popular mobile navigation app, is teaming up with the Sacramento Kings and VP of basketball and franchise operations Vlade Divac to provide users the ultimate driving experience.
Are you ready to rock with Divac?
From April 16 until mid-June, Waze users can listen to the Serbian legend's majestic voice. Divac's cadence is so effective that he's been reported to be the No. 1 voice in the Kings organization currently.
So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. Whether you're driving from Serbia -- c'mon Vlade, you know that's physically impossible -- or stuck in a traffic jam, let Divac guide you.