Our 10 funniest commercials from Super Bowl XLVIII

It's always stiff competition for the "funniest Super Bowl commercial" honor, even more so when Jerry Seinfeld and Ellen Degeneres are involved.
That was the case for Super Bowl XLVIII. But even with those comedy juggernauts in the mix, there was still plenty of room for the little guy. That's right. Even the little-known Doberhuahua made it onto the list.
So with entries from all ends of the comedy spectrum, we give you our favorite laughers from this year's Super Bowl.
Remember, if you missed any of the commercials, you can always check out our Super Bowl commercials hub page. Also, when you're ready for the more serious side of the commercials coin, check out our coolest commercials from the game.
Radio Shack: The '80s are back
Hulk Hogan, Cliff Clavin, Teen Wolf, Alf, Chuckie, Kid 'n Play ... the celebs of yesteryear all return to invade their local Radio Shack store in this hilarious offering from the tech giant.
T-Mobile: Tebow can do a lot without a contract
I know, I know. We've all had enough Tim Tebow. But he's going to draw attention, and if there was a way left in the universe to utilize him without eliciting groans, this is it. Here, he shows us how active he's been in life without a contract -- delivering babies, tackling Bigfoot and even calling out Iceland at a global summit.
Bud Light: Epic (Part 1) and Whatever Happens Next (Part 2)
What happens when you combine a normal citizen, a bunch of actors, Don Cheadle, a llama and Arnold Schwarzenegger dressed as a ping-pong (aka "tiny tennis") pro? A great night for one unsuspecting blind date participant. You can see Part 1 here. The funnier, more robust Part 2 is below.
Ford: 2014 Fusion
This 90-second spot is actually one 30-second and one 60-second spot stitched together. The first features Rob Riggle in top form. The second features James Franco repeating almost the exact same dialogue, just slower and better. Yeah, it's tough to explain. Just watch.
Pistachios: Colbert helps the brand
The shortest commercial on the list, this 15-second spot features TV funnyman Stephen Colbert doing what he does best: stumping. The Comedy Central star goes to the extreme to give the delicious nuts a PR boost.
Dannon: The Spill
How about a Full House reunion, everybody! John Stamos is getting intimate with a woman when he decides to strategically drop yogurt on his pants. He's almost got it made before his old buddies Bob Saget and Dave Coulier show up.
Beats: Ellen picks some tunes
This is just ... a weird combination. It will no doubt appeal to Ellen fans, with her usual brand of spunky humor. In this spot, Beats helps her find just the perfect song for the mood she's in. Take that, Pandora.
Chobani: Yogurt Bear
When you combine a grizzly bear, Bob Dylan, Mandy Patinkin and yogurt ... I mean, something good has to come of it. Here, the bear terrorizes a general store while Dylan plays in the background. Turns out, the big guy's just hungry for some Chobani.
Honda: Bruce Willis
Just when you think you're about to see a heart-warming PSA from Bruce Willis about hugging someone in need of a hug, the camera pans down to reveal that it's comedian Fred Armisen clinging to the action movie star's hip. And then it's a car commercial. Right on.
Audi: The Doberhuahua
Sarah McLachlan and a terrifying new breed of dog that combines a Doberman with a Chihuahua. We're just going to stop there and let you watch.
BONUS -- Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee: The Seinfeld Reunion
The much-anticipated get-back-together of the Seinfeld crew aired during halftime, with Jerry Seinfeld and George Costanza grabbing coffee before being interrupted by Newman. The full version of the shorter spot that played on TV can be seen below.