National Football League
Von Miller can't stop trolling Cam Newton on 'Saturday Night Live'
National Football League

Von Miller can't stop trolling Cam Newton on 'Saturday Night Live'

Published Feb. 15, 2016 9:45 a.m. ET

Von Miller sure made the most out of the first week since his Denver Broncos beat the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50, in which he took home the game's MVP award.

Immediately after the game, he crushed the Panthers in one Instagram post and then followed that by making the late-night talk show rounds during the week.

His latest stop was "Saturday Night Live," where Miller tried to explain science -- the discovery of gravitational waves, to be specific -- by continuing to troll Panthers QB Cam Newton. Here's how a part of the exchange went:

Host: So explain this to us. The gravitational waves were discovered when two black holes collided with each other, is that correct?


Miller: That's right. Let me put it like this: Picture two huge forces slamming together -- like, say, me and Cam Newton.

Host: You just talking about football, man?

Miller: No, I'm talking about science. Now these forces collide to make gravity waves -- like when I collided with Cam Newton and forced him to fumble.

Host: It sounds like you're bragging. Are you sure you're not bragging about this?

Miller: C'mon. I told you this was science, man ... Now these waves are everywhere in the universe. Just like I'm everywhere when Cam Newton closes his eyes.

Miller also cracks a joke about nobody believing gravitational waves would be discovered just like nobody thought Denver would dominate the No. 1 offense in the NFL. It's a great skit. Enjoy the video.


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