National Football League
Zach Zenner NFL Draft diary: The time has come
National Football League

Zach Zenner NFL Draft diary: The time has come

Published Apr. 29, 2015 9:56 a.m. ET

Zach Zenner played running back at South Dakota State, where he became the first FCS back to rush for 2,000 yards in three different seasons and finished 12 yards shy of setting the FCS' all-time rushing record. Projected to be a late-round pick in the 2015 NFL Draft, Zenner will take you through the process of training for the NFL Combine, his pro day, the anticipation for draft day and more. Check out his earlier entries at the bottom of the page, and follow Zenner on Twitter @Zenner31.

After years of preparation for this moment, the NFL Draft is finally here, and while it feels in some ways that I've been working toward this for as long as I can remember, it's also incredible how fast the time has flown by.

One thing I've found throughout the last few months of my journey, however, is that the reality of the draft process doesn't necessarily match up with the perception that most people have of the process from afar.


When you're younger --€” and I don't mean two years ago or five years ago, but when you're young-young --€” and you're at home watching people getting drafted on TV, you find yourself focusing so much on the fanfare of it all. It's like, 'Wow, look at all the people. That would be crazy. That would be awesome,' and you build this larger-than-life image up in your mind.

But when you're actually in it like I am, especially if you're not going to be a first-rounder, the NFL Draft really feels more like a beginning to a journey than an end.

Obviously, it's exciting to be where I am right now, and I can't stress that enough. It's been a lot of work to get to this point. But at the same time, all this weekend really amounts to is an invitation. You haven't even made the team yet. You've just been invited to meet the team. The draft just means that you finally have the opportunity to see what you can do in the NFL.

That's huge, of course. A chance is a big thing. But you really haven't accomplished the goal of being in the league yet, unless you're a first-round pick, and then you're probably safe. But for a significant group of the guys drafted, myself included, there's still a lot to prove. And if I don't do what I'm drafted to do, I'm sure my team will have no second thoughts about moving on.

That being said, just getting that opportunity is something to be proud of. Obviously I'm hoping for way more than a trial run in camp, but no matter what happens --€” whether I'm drafted or go undrafted and get signed as a priority free agent --€” I'm still going to be out there doing something that such an infinitesimal percentage of people will ever get to do.

It's crazy how many people there are in the United States and how many football players there are working to get to the NFL on fields all over the country, and ultimately, just a few of them will ever get a chance to play professional football. So to be at that point, on the precipice of a career in football, it's really cool. I'm really appreciative and I can't wait for this weekend.

But even though I can recognize that, I still don't think the reality of my situation has fully sunk in yet, and honestly, I don't even know when it will.

When I became a senior on the football team at South Dakota State, I didn't really feel like a senior until well into the season. And growing up, with each passing year in school, it never really felt like I was in the grade I was in until the school calendar had already begun running out of days. And I don't think the magnitude of being drafted and being in the NFL will really hit me until I actually get on location and throw on some team gear and start running around with the guys.

As for where I'll go? Who's to say? I've had more than half the teams in the league reach out to me over the last couple weeks looking to verify my draft day contact information, so I really think I could go anywhere. It would be great to stay in the midwest so I could be close to my family and so they can come watch me play, but it also wouldn't be terrible to get out of the cold for a winter or two. Or maybe it would be nice to land in a big city where I've never been. I'm open to suggestions.

In any case, I've got the U-Haul packed and I'm ready to leave Minnesota for wherever that is. And while there's an extremely high likelihood that I'll have to wait until Saturday to be picked, if I'm picked at all, I'll still be watching on Thursday, just like I do every year, and I won't be far from my phone on Friday either -- just in case.

Chapter 1: Getting a Combine invite and getting engaged

Chapter 2: Trying to score points at the Combine

Chapter 3: Home sweet home back at South Dakota State

Chapter 4: It's a family affair as Zenner returns to Eagan

Chapter 5: On Chris Borland, retirement and concussions

Chapter 6: Making a final impression at Pro Day

Chapter 7: Would I switch positions to make a team?

Chapter 8: Getting selected vs. going undrafted

Chapter 9: Life after football and contemplating the end


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