Canadian singer flubs USA anthem

Let's face it, sometimes it can be easy for sports fans to take for granted the national anthem performance before a game.
Spectators at Saturday's Memorial Cup in Canada will likely be on alert for years to come after Canadian folk and jazz singer Alexis Normand pretty much fell apart during the American version.
Listen to her version, call it the Star-Bungled Banner . . .
Poor girl. That can't be fun, but at least the polite Canadian crowd tolerated the situation. Good thing for her it wasn't deep in the heart of the ol' USA.
Of course, this isn't the first time a pregame singer needed some moral support to get through the jam by written by Francis Scott (Off)Key . . .
Human spirit aside, nobody was looking to give Carl Lewis a helping hand in the ultimate classic anthem meltdown . . .
All these years later, and we're still waiting for Lewis to "make up for it, now."