Burmistrov Here To Stay?

By John Manasso
October 12, 2010
With the Atlanta Thrashers 3,000 miles away, I'm going to do my best to keep everyone (and myself) abreast of what is going on with the team. (To that end, last night I ordered the NHL Center Ice package, as these three games are not televised locally and I also plan on getting a DVR in case I can't stay up until 1:30 a.m. watching the Thrashers.)
Ben Wright, who writes the Blue Land Blog on AtlantaThrashers.com, is with the team as is Chris Vivlamore of the Journal-Constitution and both are reporting that 18-year-old center Alexander Burmistrov is looking like he's going to stick for the entire year. According to NHL rules, the Thrashers have nine games to decide whether to keep Burmistrov or if they want to return him to his junior team (in this case, the Barrie Colts of the Ontario Hockey League). Once he gets past the 10th game, he has to remain with the Thrashers for the remainder of the season.