D.C. United, Queretaro squabble over whether players were burgled in locker room or not

On Monday, D.C. United claimed that their players had been burgled while playing in the CONCACAF Champions League at Queretaro the previous week.
On Tuesday, Queretaro said they hadn't.
Apparently, the two clubs can't come to an agreement on who was burgled or what was taken or even where it happened.
D.C. United said that players had cellphones and cash taken from their locker room at Estadio Corregidora. It seemed to be a pretty straightforward accusation and one that isn't entirely rare. Players have had things taken from their locker rooms at various matches around the world for years. It's unfortunate, but not unheard of. It seemed like the players would be reimbursed and that was that.
Except Queretaro is now saying that D.C. United's story is, well, wrong. They claim that D.C. United had the only key to the locker room and that after reviewing security footage, there was nothing unusual or anything that would indicate the players had been burgled.
Now, besides the fact that Queretaro are claiming there is only one key to the locker room, which is either false or pretty atrocious policy, and dismissing the possibility that a lock can be picked, they do point to security footage. D.C. United may ask to see it for themselves and the drama could continue. It's possible that D.C. United doesn't want to press the matter any further and lets it drop. Either way, two clubs can't agree on whether players had things stolen from locker room in the year 2016.
To summarize:
D.C. United: People took our stuff.
Queretaro: Naahhhhhhh uhhhhh.