Leicester captain Wes Morgan's deal with rum brand has some interesting clauses

Leicester City captain Wes Morgan got his own specially branded bottle of Captain Morgan following the Foxes title win last year. Now, he's taken it to the next level and signed a contract with the rum brand. Morgan took to social media to share some of the more interesting clauses in his deal, and they're kiiiiinda amazing.
Imagine it's a Saturday night in Leicester (roll with it for the purposes of this exercise), you've tipped a couple back, and you're ready to add another beverage to the menu. You walk to the bar, only to be interrupted by some guy screaming "THERE'S ONLY ONE CAPTAIN MORGAN" with his arms raised high.
Don't worry. You're about to get a free drink.
Under the terms of his contract, Morgan is "entitled to enter licensed premises and purchase a Captain & Cola beverage for each patron in attendance in accordance with the provisions...below." When he orders the drink, Morgan must "turn to face the patrons, extend his arms to form the shape of a 'Y' and shout, 'There's only one Captain Morgan!'"
Amazing. So next time someone's yelling in the bar, have some patience. You might be getting hooked up. That is, unless you're too drunk, because then you'll just get the proper response: "Only anchors go overboard. Please Drink Responsibly."