The Undertaker showed up in Cleveland for the Cavs' season opener

The Undertaker showed up in Cleveland for the Cavs' season opener

Published Nov. 15, 2016 1:39 p.m. ET

Earlier this month a photo of The Undertaker using crutches to get around caused a buzz in the wrestling world, but the 51-year-old WWE icon made a surprise appearance in character for the Cleveland Cavaliers' season opener Tuesday night, along with Dana Warrior.

Many of the Cavaliers are huge wrestling fans. LeBron James rocked Undertaker and Ultimate Warrior t-shirts during and after the NBA Finals last year, and Kyrie Irving has his own "Ankletaker" logo.

Kevin Love, meanwhile, is more of a Stone Cold fan.


Taker showing up in full costume would suggest he might make an entrance prior to the game, but Jason Lloyd reports he does not have an on-court role. There's less than six months until WrestleMania 33, if you're counting.

Love wound up with a title belt to add to his collection.
