The Undertaker took an amazing photo with 'Shocked Undertaker guy'

The Undertaker took an amazing photo with 'Shocked Undertaker guy'

Published Apr. 3, 2016 9:41 a.m. ET

It's not an overstatement to say that Ellis Mbeh is one of the most important fans in WWE history. At WrestleMania XXX, moments after Brock Lesnar broke The Undertaker's undefeated streak, the camera focused on a shocked Paul Heyman in the ring, then found Mbeh in the crowd. His glorious reaction instantly became a classic image, and you'll never be able to think about the end of the streak - one of the biggest moments in WrestleMania history - without thinking of Mbeh's face. 

Mbeh is in Dallas for WrestleMania 32, and on Saturday he braved a very long line to get The Undertaker's autograph and snap a photo. It was worth the wait. 


