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WWE 205 Live Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for January 24
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WWE 205 Live Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for January 24

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 11:05 p.m. ET

With a chance at the Cruiserweight Championship on the line this Sunday, Neville looks to continue his momentum on WWE 205 Live against Cedric Alexander.

This past Monday on Raw, WWE announced that Neville would have one more match before his championship match on Sunday against Rich Swann. The King of the Cruiserweights will face Cedric Alexander in a match has a lot of potential. WWE Broadcasting has mentioned Alexander’s weight cut to make the 205 weight limit and that could help make him Neville’s biggest test to date.

Backstage Interview with Neville


Tom Phillips asks Neville how he feels about Rich Swann getting the best of him on Raw. He blames himself for thinking that Rich Swann had “learned his place”. He hypes up his match with Alexander saying he wants to leave no doubt as to who runs 205 Live.

TJ Perkins vs Tony Nese

Result: TJ Perkins defeated Tony Nese via pinfall.

Rating: 3.2 out of 5 stars

Quick back and forth to start the match before Perkins gains some control. Perkins went for a tornado DDT from the middle rope and Nese used his strength to counter into a suplex. Nese would hit his springboard moonsault for a near fall shortly after. Nese used his strength to his advantage and slowed the pace of the match down to try to slow down TJP. A swift arm drag reversal helped Perkins regain a little momentum leading to a Detonation Kick. Nese counters Perkins’ plancha attempt with a clothesline and attempt his german suplex into the corner. TJP counters into a rolling crucifix for the win. After the match, Nese would attack Perkins and German Suplex him into the corner and following it up with a running knee strike.

Following this match, WWE ran a few video package. The first was Sami Zayn hyping up the next week’s debut of Akira Tozawa. After this, they ran a Royal Rumble package from the perspective of former rumble winner, Sheamus.

The Brian Kendrick vs Tripp Bradshaw

Result: The Brian Kendrick defeats Tripp Bradshaw via submission.

Rating: 1.8 out of 5 stars

Bradshaw is billed from Toledo. Kendrick comes out cutting a promo saying that he’s going to crush his dreams like he did to Sean Maluta. Kendrick mentions the rumors of of Tajiri’s knee injury. Kendrick dominates the early part of the match while integrating some trash talk. Moments later Kendrick goes for the Captain’s Hook and picks up the win. Kendrick holds on to the submission for awhile after the bell but finally does let go.

Cedric Alexander is greeted by Rich Swann in the back. Swann wishes Alexander luck in his match against Neville. Swann asks Cedric to save some for him because Swann has unfinished business to take care of at the Royal Rumble.

Neville vs Cedric Alexander

Result: Neville defeats Alexander via submission.

Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars

Aries mentions that Cedric Alexander is one of the few that can hang with Neville physically. The match starts off slow with Neville using his strength to his advantage shoving Alexander into the corner.neville proclaims that this is his ring. Alexander gains momentum when he dropkicks Neville off the apron and follows up with a running soccer kick. Alexander look a little while to get back into the match and Neville is able to regain the momentum. Neville uses a missile drop kick to help slow the match and Alexander again.

After a few minutes, Alexander uses his patented spinning back elbow to get separation for his handboard enziguri. Cedric Alexander hits an insane standing spanish fly. Alexander goes for a Lumbar Check that’s countered by a Neville german suplex. Neville goes for the superplex, Alexander counter with a sunset flip but Neville counters by landing on his feet. Cedric is able to regain composure and sets Neville up for a springboard clothesline before Noam dar makes his way to the ring. The distraction makes Alexander slip on the top rope and Neville gets him in a modified armbar to pick up a submission win.

After the match, Noam gets into the ring to taunt Cedric but is tossed out of the ring by Neville. Neville continues to beat down Alexander before Swann comes out for the save. The two brawl until they are eventually separated by security. The two will meet again at the Royal Rumble for the Cruiserweight Championship this Sunday. Neville looks destined to take the Cruiserweight Division and 205 Live to the next level.

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