Is Aaron Rodgers back after 3TDs in Packers OT win over Cowboys in Wk 10? | NFL | SPEAK

Video Details

Will Blackmon joins Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, and David Helman on Speak to discuss Aaron Rodgers 3TD performance over the Dallas Cowboys in Week 10’s overtime win. Blackmon explains vintage Rodgers never left but the pieces surrounding him changed. Helman explains vintage Rodgers never appeared in Week 10 because the Packers offense ran the ball more than they ever have this season. The group then discuss whether it is too late for the Packers to turn things around and make a playoff push.

SEPTEMBER 14, 2023・speak・10:12
National Football League National Football LeagueGreen Bay Packers Green Bay PackersAaron Rodgers Aaron RodgersJoy Taylor Joy TaylorDavid Helman David HelmanEmmanuel Acho Emmanuel AchoSpeak Speak