Why it is time for Jeanie Buss to sell Lakers | THE HERD

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LeBron James in Year 20 is beating father time, averaging 27 points, 8.5 rebounds and 6.5 assists per game. He was asked about trade talks and plans, but responded saying quote: 'I have no idea. When I'm playing, I show up, prepare, go to work and get my guys ready to go win a basketball game. I play the game, I'm not in the front office, so we'll see. Go ask Rob [Pelinka] those questions.' What does this mean for the purple and gold's future? Colin Cowherd explains why he believes it is time for the Buss family to sell the team.

DECEMBER 21, 2022・the herd with colin cowherd・4:06
LeBron James LeBron JamesLos Angeles Lakers Los Angeles LakersNational Basketball Association National Basketball AssociationColin Cowherd Colin CowherdThe Herd with Colin Cowherd The Herd with Colin Cowherd